Our hunts
We offer our customers the chance to experience hunting in its various forms and when it’s at its best. This is a natural element of what we offer. All the hunts hosted by Ulkeröds Gård uphold very good standards of hunting ethics and safety and are always led by professional hunter Oskar Johansson. Our bird hunts always have good retrievers, while our ungulate hunts have good search crews on hand.
Our training hunts
We have a variety of hunting set-ups, with many of our hunts being designed to suit newly trained hunters, who may find it difficult to find land to hunt on. We call these hunts “training hunts”. Here, the emphasis is on allowing all participants to feel involved with everything from the pedagogical reviews before the drives to jointly taking care of the felled game. We offer this arrangement for duck hunts, small game hunts and ungulate hunts. To find out more about our hunts, contact our professional hunter Oskar Johansson jakt@ulkerodsgard.se or click on the link below for more information.